Worried About Hidden Vulnerabilities?

Delivering seamless offensive security through a pioneering platform that goes beyond standard SaaS, offering real-time threat adaptation and proactive global expert collaboration.

Syn Cubes Pentest Management Platform

You're in Good Company

Our Services

Web / API / Mobile Pentesting
Exploratory Red Teaming for Advanced Threat Simulation
IoT Devices Security Testing
Red Teaming
Comprehensive Adversarial Emulation
LLM/AI Red Teaming
AI Adversarial Testing

Why Choose Syn Cubes

Experience the power of synergy with our Offensive Security Collaboration Platform and a US-backed global talent pool of elite pentesters. Together, we provide a comprehensive solution that not only identifies and highlights security gaps but also actively assists in the remediation process, helping organizations effectively close these gaps and strengthen their cybersecurity posture.

Get a Free Estimate

Use the calculator to get an estimate of what you would pay for your next pentest with us.

*Note: For any cases that are not listed, please contact us to explore your options. We can cater a wide range of testing requirements.

*Note: For any cases that are not listed, please contact us to explore your options. We can cater a wide range of testing requirements.

*Note: For any cases that are not listed, please contact us to explore your options. We can cater a wide range of testing requirements.

*Note: For any cases that are not listed, please contact us to explore your options. We can cater a wide range of testing requirements.

Your Benefits with Our Pentesting as a Service

Optimized for Added Value

Just as our adversaries are fluid and adaptive in their tactics, so are we. Our services extend beyond merely identifying vulnerabilities.

Syn Cubes Services Benefits

What Others Are Saying

Pentesting Workflows Designed for Modern Businesses

Harness custom pentesting workflows, and benefit from a mixture of efficiency and comprehensiveness.



In collaboration, we assemble the specifics and orchestrate your security evaluation using an intuitive, user-friendly visual guide.


Initiate a partnership with our expert testing team, gaining live updates on their progress and any vulnerabilities identified.


Recognize and promptly address any issues found, ensuring remediation and retesting to confirm successful fixes.



Engage in thorough analysis as issues are logged into the platform. Identify the core cause and devise a strategic plan to avert future discrepancies.


Enable decision-makers to act with confidence through transparent and succinct comprehensive reports, available round-the-clock.


Re-engage with the testing process to ensure the efficacy of implemented solutions, reinforcing your system's defenses through continual evaluation.

The Latest From Our Team

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Helios addresses the high bar collaboration, security, and software engineering innovation expectations of organizations in the age of IoT, Robotics, Cloud, and AI-driven data economies.

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Pentesting AWS Cloud: From AWS Account ID Discovery to EKS Cluster Admin and Beyond

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We Upgraded Our Technical Assessments and Penetration Testing Capabilities: A Deep Dive

At Syn Cubes, we recognize the importance of innovation and adaptation. That's why we're thrilled to introduce our latest suite of technical assessments and penetration testing services. But what makes these offerings stand out in a saturated market?

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Penetration Testing as a Service?

Penetration Testing as a Service is a platform that brings together global offensive security talent with a smart automation. This enables us to provide organizations with actionable insights about their current attack surface exposure and impactful security gaps, which allows them to make informed and time-sensitive cyber risk decisions.

How is Penetration Testing as a Service model different?

Penetration testing is a difficult business, and it is even harder when conducted using global resources. This requires hard work, strong knowledge of the people, market, and unique playbooks, as well as trust. The Pentest as a Service model is broken, and we are fixing it with a focused, adaptive, and high-quality results approach.

How the testers are selected?

Our acceptance policy is highly selective. A candidate undergoes a selection process that includes a behavioral analysis interview, skill test, background checks, etc. We believe this is a fair approach, compared with other similar services practicing a semi or open gate policy.

Who are the pentesters/security engineers?

We are a global company, which means that our vetted resources are located all over the world. This allows us to quickly schedule a penetration test and get you access to specialized testing teams utilizing the follow-the-sun concept. Quality delivery and a reasonable price for the services provided are also important status quo factors we always take into consideration.

What is the experience level of the testing members?

Members of the Syn Cubes global network have proven track records in security engineering, professional penetration testing, and IT security consulting field. All of our members have at least seven years' experience and an OSCP certification or equivalent.

Can I use your pentest reports for my sales process?

Yes, you may use our pentest reports demonstrating that you take security seriously. Our reports come in different detail levels, for example, an attestation-style report or a full report with all finding details. Therefore, you can decide how much information to share with your customers.

Take Control of Your Security Program